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Observer Reports

City Council

The City of Evanston is a general-purpose municipal government located in Cook County, Illinois. It is a home rule unit, as defined in the 1970 Illinois Constitution, and operates under the Council/Manager form of government. The Evanston City Council includes the Mayor and nine City Council Members. The Mayor, Council  Members, and City Clerk serve four-year terms.

Observer Report: City Council– Aug 26, 2024

2024 Observer Reports: City Council

Standing Committees of the Council:

Administration & Public Works

Duties and Responsibilities:

Matters relating to the bills and purchases; budget policy; finance; fire; legal; licensing; personnel; public works, including: streets and alleys, lighting, refuse disposal, water and sewers, traffic control, and parking; public buildings, public transportation; public utilities; safety (including civil defense); liaison with the police and fire pension boards; and capital improvements.


Number of Members: Five Councilmembers are appointed.

Observer Report: A&PW– Aug 26, 2024

2024 Observer Reports: A&PW


Human Services

Duties and Responsibilities:

The duties of this committee include matters relating to the Department of Health and Human Services (including: public health, mental health, general and emergency assistance); community purchased services, aging, youth, liaison with the human service-related boards and commissions, private and public organizations funding or providing human services within the City, and matters relating to the arts, recreation, library, environment, unemployment, unified budgeting, the Farmers' Market, and Police services; Americans with Disabilities Act ("ADA") Grievance Appeals relating to Title II of the ADA (Accessibility).


Observer Report: Human Services– May 1, 2023


2023 Observer Reports: Human Services


Planning & Development

Duties and Responsibilities:

This Committee addresses matters relating to planning, physical development, zoning, building conservation, preservation, housing, and relocation. The Committee shall review and advise the City Council on the use and planning of all City park land.


Number of Members: Seven Alderpersons are appointed.

Observer Report: P&D– June 10, 2024


2024 Observer Reports: P&D 


This committee has jurisdiction of the following:

  • Assignment of alderperson to committees including the Budget Committee, Parking Committee, Economic Development Committee, and Housing & Community Development Act Committee (CD Committee) which recommends to the Council expenditure of Federal funds.
  • Determination of jurisdictional disputes between committees.
  • Revision of the Council Rules.
  • Preparation and maintenance of the list of mayor pro tem.
  • Ensure compliance with the Illinois Open Meetings Act.
  • Appointment of chairs to standing committees.
  • Coordination of the City Manager evaluation.
  • Such other matters as referred to it by the Council or Mayor

Observer Report: Rules– Feb 5, 2024

2024 Observer Reports: Rules

Referrals Committee

The duty of this committee is to consider referred agenda items made by the Mayor, a Councilmember, or the City Manager based on a transparent and established set of criteria. The committee will refer them to a board, committee, commission, or the City Council with instructions as to the action the item will take. The criteria for how the committee assess referrals can be found here.

Observer Report: Referrals– Aug 26, 2024


2024 Observer Reports: Referrals 

Other Boards, Committees and Commissions:

Economic Development Committee

Nine-member Committee acts in an advisory capacity to the City Council on matters of business district redevelopment, including but not limited to the following:

  1. to review and make recommendations concerning all redevelopment proposals, provided that nothing herein shall be construed to prevent the sponsor of a rejected proposal from petitioning City Council directly;
  2. to use resource persons for assistance and advice on specific proposals for consideration by the Committee; and
  3. to gather and disseminate appropriate information regarding the economic vitality of the City.


Observer Report: Economic Dev– June 26, 2024 

2024 Observer Reports: Economic Development 


Land Use Commission

Duties and Responsibilities:

The Land Use Commission is made up of nine volunteer community members. They help provide for planning future development and redevelopment; hear and decide major variations from provisions of the Zoning Ordinance; hear and decide appeals; and hear and make recommendations to the Planning and Development Committee and City Council on applications for certain major variations, all special use permits including planned developments, and applications for map amendments and text amendments to the Zoning Ordinance. Most land-use proposals, both major and minor, are required to go through the commission either for a final decision or a recommendation.

Observer Report: Land Use Comm– Oct 11, 2023


Reparations Committee

Purpose: The City of Evanston’s reparations planning process began in June 2019 following the City Council’s adoption of a resolution affirming the City's commitment to end structural racism and achieve racial equity. The City Council’s Equity and Empowerment Commission held two community meetings to gather public input on reparations in July, and summarized input and recommendations in a report to the City Council.


In September, the Council accepted the Equity and Empowerment Commission's report and authorized the creation of a City Council subcommittee to begin the planning process. On November 9, 2020, City Council adopted of Ordinance 102-O-20 amending portions of the City Code codifying the Reparations Committee. The new Reparations Committee expands the number of the members on the committee to include non-aldermanic members, along with updated roles and responsibilities that reflect the work being completed by the Reparations Subcommittee.


Observer Report: Reparations– Feb 1, 2024

2024 Observer Reports: Reparations


The Observer Reports were written by volunteer observers who are members of the League of Women Voters of Evanston. The reports are presented here as a public service. They are in no way "official," but are intended solely as an informal means of enabling citizens to monitor the meetings of local government bodies. Every effort has been made to make these reports accurate; however, like all materials of this nature, they are subject to human error.

Return to Local Government page.

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& Skokie, Illinois, since 1922

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Evanston, IL 60201

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