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HomeLocal Government: Interviews with City Council Members

Local Government Committee Interviews with City Council Members

Summary Report Prepared by the League of Women Voters of Evanston (LWVE) Local Government Committee.
Approved by the Board of Directors of the League of Women Voters of Evanston, February 2024

One of the regular activities of the League of Women Voters of Evanston is to observe meetings of the City Council and other Evanston Committees and Boards. Members write reports of these meetings and post them on our website for members and the public to read, and our Local Government committee meets regularly to discuss what our elected representatives are doing and how they are doing it. The League is committed to principles of good governance, including accountability and transparency. When appropriate, we contact our elected representatives with comments, suggestions, or questions about their actions. 

In mid-2023, we noted that City Council had a large number of new members. Only three of the nine members had served a previous term. We wondered how well the large group of new members understood their role and how their newness might affect their relations with their colleagues. We decided to meet with each Council Member (CM) to ask about their perceptions of their role and the major issues facing the City Council. We were interested in their views about the challenges they faced, the possible tensions between their commitment to their wards and their commitment to the whole city, and their evaluation of the main accomplishments of Council in the past two years and the major challenges to address in the rest of their term.  

We were able to meet with each CM and we were pleased to see their enthusiasm for their work on Council and their willingness to share their experiences. We asked each CM the same set of questions and heard specific information as well as more general reflections on their work. Our very engaged discussions are summarized here to provide some insights into Council operations over the past two years, while observing our commitment that specific remarks are not connected to any single individual.

 Read more about these discussions, conclusions and Local Government Committee suggestions in the complete  Summary of Interviews with City Council Members– February 2024.

Return to Local Government page.

League of Women Voters of Evanston (LWVE)

Serving the people of Evanston
& Skokie, Illinois, since 1922

2100 Ridge Avenue, Room 1030
Evanston, IL 60201

OFFICE PHONE: (847) 859-7883

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