In the 2024 election, Americans elected the most controversial president in our nation’s history.
David Orr, former Cook County Clerk, has long been an advocate for good government. In a November 12
Zoom discussion with League members, he shared his thoughts about the recent election and forecast threats to our democracy in the years ahead. He highlighted the prospects of mass deportations and an assault on the nation’s civil service system.
Voter turnout was a key factor in the Republican victory. Trump received 1.2 million more votes than in 2020. Democrats had less support from working-class and minority voters, especially Latinos. Orr identified partisan news sources and misinformation as two factors that contributed to a Republican victory.
Much of the media argued that Trump ran a campaign filled with racism, misogyny, lies and name-calling— threatening revenge. Millions of dollars were spent to divide Americans over issues including efforts to make people afraid of immigrants, to demean women, and to degrade transgender kids. Orr reported that this kind of politics is on the ascendency and our challenge is to find an effective way to counter this kind of messaging.
Orr responded to questions from League members, but there were no clear answers to the difficult questions raised and nor to concerns about the future for good government with an autocratic president.