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HomeConsolidated Election Skokie Elected Officials

Skokie Consolidated General Election– April 1, 2025

Skokie Municipal Elected Officials: Description of the Offices


Skokie’s Mayor presides over meetings of the Village Board of Trustees. Together, the Mayor and the Trustees serve as the legislative and policy-making body for the Village.  The Mayor can vote on all matters before the Board and must vote in order to break a tie. The Mayor can also veto ordinances, resolutions or motions passed by the Trustees. 

The Mayor appoints, with the approval of the Board, the Village Manager, the Corporation Counsel and staff, and various boards and commissions. By Illinois State Law, the Mayor also serves as the Village Liquor Commissioner. 

As the head of the Village, the Mayor acts as a legislative liaison between Skokie and the state and federal governments and represents the Village in a variety of civic functions.

Board of Trustees (six members)

The Skokie Village Board of Trustees votes on public policy for the village, which includes how the village’s money is spent, land use issues, appointments by the mayor and legal contracts. 

The Village Board meets twice a month to initiate, consider and vote on issues that affect the everyday life of residents, businesses and property owners. These include economic development, public safety, road improvements and property conditions. When a majority of the board votes in favor of a decision that decision becomes a village ordinance. 


The Office of the Clerk of the Village is responsible for administering critical aspects of the Village government.
The Village Clerk's office is responsible for all matters involving elections and voter registration, and the Clerk is the local election official.

The Village Clerk administers Citizen Assistance programs which provide a 24‐hour phone line service for questions about school districts, our legislators, and directs residents to departments and agencies that provide legal, economic development, health and social services. In addition, the Village Clerk processes RTA/CTA/Metra reduced fare permit applications for seniors and handicapped parking placard requests, maintains Bus Schedules, provides Notary Services, accepts Passport applications and accepts payments for the Skokie Real Estate Transfer Tax.

The Village Clerk also serves as the Official Keeper of the Records by State Statute. The Village Clerk attends all Board of Trustees meetings and is responsible for the Minutes of such meetings, and is responsible for logging, filing, indexing, certifying and attesting to all Resolutions, Proclamations, Ordinances and Agreements. 

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