When you join the League of Women Voters, you become a member of:
These memberships give you access to issue and advocacy information, publications and websites at all levels of League. You will receive the Intercom newsletter from LWVE, as well as periodic notices of issues and actions items from LWVUS and LWVIL.
We welcome your membership and invite you to participate in LWVE activities that fit your interests and your schedule. As a new or renewing member, your membership is vitally important to support the League's worthwhile programs and its effective and visible presence at all levels of government.
20% of total League membership dues supports LWVE, with the rest split by the state and national Leagues.
When joining and paying online, your membership dues will show up as three transactions— one each to Evanston, Illinois, and the national Leagues. You’ll be a member of all three! Only the portion of your dues paid to the LWV of Evanston, a 501(c)(3) organization, are tax deductible. This guide will help you understand the LWV's new membership structure.