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🔹 About Us: Mission/Vision
     â€¢ Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
     â€¢ LWVE Leadership
     â€¢ This Is Evanston: A Guide to History, Government, Education, and Community Service
     â€¢ History

🔹 Issues & Advocacy
     â€¢ Issues & Positions
            â–ª Impact on Issues: LWVUS guide to public policy positions
            â–ª Impact on Issues: LWV of Illinois guide to positions
            â–ª LWVE Local Positions
                  â€“ Representative Government
                  â€“ Natural Resources
                  â€“ Social Policy  

     â€¢ Local Program
            â–ª Fair Housing Enforcement in Evanston
            â–ª Civics Education
            â–ª Climate Change
                  â€“ Advocacy, Government & Legislation
                  â€“ Climate Change Actions for Sustainability
                  â€“ Learn More About Issues and Impacts
            â–ª Economic Development in Evanston Downtown and Neighborhood Areas. 
     â€¢ Action Alert!

🔹 Local Government
     â€¢ Contact Your Elected Officials
            â–ª Evanston Officials
            â–ª County Officials
            â–ª State Officials
            â–ª Federal Officials
     â€¢ Observer Corps
     â€¢ Observer Reports
            â–ª City Council
            â–ª Standing Committees of the Council
            â–ª Other Boards, Committees and Commissions

🔹 Membership
     â€¢ Volunteer Opportunities–Get Involved
     â€¢ Membership Dues
     â€¢ Join the League!

🔹 Voting & Elections
     â€¢ Voter Registration
     â€¢ Voter Registration Frequently Asked Questions
     â€¢ Voter Services
            â–ª Registering Voters and Other Election Jobs
            â–ª Candidate Forums
            â–ª Upcoming Elections
     â€¢ Contact your Elected Officials
     â€¢ The Illinois Voter Guide

🔹 News & Events
     â€¢ Events Calendar 
     â€¢ The Intercom– LWVE's Newsletter
            â–ª Subscribe to Our Emailing List
     â€¢ In the News
     â€¢ YouTube Channel

🔹 Members Only (content visible only to members after login)
     â€¢ Online Member Directory/Look Up 
     â€¢ 2023-2024 Membership Directory (PDF)
     â€¢ Document Archives
     â€¢ Resources

🔹 Donate

🔹 Contact Us

Through your membership in the League of Women Voters of Evanston,
you are automatically a member of:
🔹 League of Women Voters of the United States
🔹 League of Women Voters of Illinois
🔹 League of Women Voters of Cook County

League of Women Voters of Evanston (LWVE)

Serving the people of Evanston
& Skokie, Illinois, since 1922

2100 Ridge Avenue, Room 1030
Evanston, IL 60201

OFFICE PHONE: (847) 859-7883

The LWVE is a 501(c)3 organization.
All dues and donations are fully tax deductible
and support our local activities and programs.

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LWVE FaceBook
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